Oiiiee!! Soooooo I dont normally do hunts.. But.. Me and the friends got together in SL and decided we wanted to do this one.. Not only was it fun.. But it was also a little challenging.. Some of the designers hid their snowman very well!! The hunt is going on til Jan 29th so make sure you check it out and get what you want from it!! There are many many mannyy good things in this hunt.. And there were way to many things to blog.. SO!! Here are my fav things on the hunt..
In these pics everything is from the hunt (minus skin.. piercings.. eyes and hair in the 2nd pic)!! I KNNNOOOWWW!! Its amazing!! hahaha The skybox was too freakin cute.. well made and everything!! The AFK basket is too cute for words annnnddd I just love it alllll!! eeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Noooww Onto the clothing goods!! \o/
Oki so the easiest way for me to do this is to go through each picture and tell you where everything is from!! So!! The Pic above the left shirt is from Tres Blah.. The jeans in both pics are from Doppelganger Inc.. I will get into the shoes and hair in the next few pics! The left shirt is from Fri.day.. and the necklace is from Elate! Nooowww My fav hair from the hunnnntt!
[elikatira] is never a disappointent and this hair from the hunt was SO CUTE!!! But.. It only comes in Black and Blonde.. Good news for me cause those are the 2 colors I wear the most Okiii.. Time for more tops from the hunt!
The left shirt is from Kyoot and is looovvee lol and I am also a big fan of Pig (right shirt).
Cute Cute Cuuutttee Cardigans from This Is A Fawn!!! Comes in both colors above! NOW!!! Onto the awesome amazing shoes In this hunt!! <33
Once again from the left to the right!! These shoes are frommmm Duboo.. AddiCt.. and lastly *FIR & MNA*… all 3 are total win and amazing!! I love emmm!!
Oki.. Now you have seen my favs!! Now onto the credits!!! I am not going to post all the links to the hunt items.. but if you need the SLURL you can get all of them and more information at http://theseasonshunt.wordpress.com/.. Happy hunting and Thank you to all the designers that put out such amazing items!! <33333
Skin – -Belleza- Erika
Tats – [HUZ] – Oriental
Piercings – <- Pierce Of Mind -> – Fluffy V2 (modded)
Eyes – Poetic Colors – Moroccan Nights – Freebie Eyes
Ears – .ILLUSORY. – Elven Ear – b3
Hair – (Pic 2) !lamb. – Oh Sugar // (last 2 pics) – [ATOMIC] – Im a Lady
Skybox – True Love Never Dies
Couch – LISP
Rug & Shelves – :: Rucott ::
Dress – (2nd pic) – *fid*
Seasons Hunt was definitely worth doing:) Only had some trouble finding the [elikatira] hair, but damn it was worth looking around the entire sim for;)