posted by Gidge Uriza
After I popped by the Wear Grey event the other day, I was trying on my stuffs I picked up there when our friend Maht messaged me that he was DJing and why wasn’t I there being all fangirly at him?
So wearing my new jumper set from Greymoon I popped over and stood around and danced by myself while Maht pretended to do the same.
I also picked up the ankle bracelets from Faery Sola’s STUDIO SIDHE for the Wear Grey event, sight unseen. I just figured they were from Faery, I didn’t need them to rezz. I knew they would be cute.

Skin by BLOWPOP Ava - Tone B
And yes those are the purplest eyes I could find.
Style Notes:
- Skin – Blowpop – AVA – Tone B – N2
- Hair – Truth – Raquel – Swedish Blonde
- Dress – Greymoon – Meow Mix Jumper – FOR THE WEAR GREY EVENT
- Anklets – Studio Sidhe – Rainbow Anklets – FOR THE WEAR GREY EVENT
- Shoes – Maitreya – Verve – Black
- Eyes – Sterling Artistry – Ostara
i always love how Maht lays the guilt trip on a person. it’s his way of getting eye candy to dance around him
LOL! dag.
Thanks so much Gidge for the vote of confidence! *grins*
That’s a new one, people buying my stuff before they’ve even seen it heehee