posted by Gidge Uriza
I’ve taken the liberty to hunt up some gift ideas for Cajsa for you. I mean, she has a lot of stuff. (OH and before I forget, party tonight at 8pm here is your taxi etc)
But you know,back on topic…….I never see her in INK. And this says it’s Unisex.OH AND FYI THERE ARE REALLY BIG PICTURES COMING AFTER THE CUT BECAUSE I AM TOO LAZY TO EDIT THEM. You still love me right? Winter Jefferson said I should edit them but I’m gonna leave them to be a brat. COME ON! YOU WANT THEM BIG…you’ll see why……….
I am positive she doesn’t have this. You can get it here.
I also never see her wearing a peen.
Did you know Xstreet doesn’t find anything when you search for peen? Well I’d put this one on my gift list for her if I were you.
It’s lovely.You can get it here. I’m only 50% sure she doesn’t have this one as we don’t secks each other. /me considers who to ask. /me considers how much to make her pay me not to name names………………
It’s fun to have a best friend to tease.
I am positive she does not have this next one. Someone please get it for her, because I would like to play on it.
She also doesn’t have this gun which according to the ad actually kills people. I would also like to play with this, so please get it for her. It’s HERE.
But, we are having a party. TONIGHT! 8pm SLT! Here is your taxi now don’t make me do another blog post! I will do it! I will!
Oh and……..She now has the bumper cars! WWWOOOOOT!