posted by Gidge Uriza
Gogo said on plurk she won’t take a blogger seriously if they don’t wear prim lashes. I heart Gogo, but I had a melt down because I have NEVER been able to get prim lashes right. So I had a fit about it.
Cajsa to the rescue. One Saturday Cajsa was Gidge and went into my inventory and fit ALL of my Prim Lashes to my shape. She also diagnosed that my #1 problem was that not only was my shape no mod, that my eyelashes were not set to zero. Thus – they never looked right. My lashes were getting in the way of my lashes.
She also organized my STUFF! OMG! She put all my HAIR into a folder! Like – I went into it and said “Hey, where did THIS hair come from?” repeatedly. She’s an angel of organization. I’m an angel of disorganization.
Together, we provide balance to the universe.
With my newly organized inventory and my new found stuffs, I can’t imagine what I’m going to find to share with you!
She also claims I have like 900 copies of my shape. I should probably drop some of those – eh?
And thank you Gogo, cuz if you hadn’t brought it up, I wouldn’t have had a tantrum and then Cajsa wouldn’t have helped me and my problem wouldn’t have been solved!
The gorgeous dress is from ROC. It’s elegant and sexy – one of my favorite combinations.
Style Notes
***No Review Items Worn***
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – Tuli – Hope – Star- GROUP GIFT
- Hair – TRUTH – Cajsa – Barley
- Dress – ROC – Delilah – Champagne
- Jewelry – Paper Couture – Pearl Menagerie
- Eyes – Poetic Color – Lavender Fields
- Eyelashes – Dimepiece – Marla
Beautiful dress. Maybe Cajsa can fit my prim lashes so I can be taken seriously as well.
You look mahvelous! Do you think Casja would hold a “prim lashes for dummies” course? I tried wearing them and looked like a 4 year old that had gotten into mommy’s makeup :S
Gogo strong armed Elizabeth Hallstrom as well Gidge, LOL. She recommended a pair of prim lashes (Lelutka, photographer II or something like that) and voila I have lashes. I had tried a pair two years ago I think but my issue was I didn’t know back then how to edit linked parts. And sho nuff in less than 10 minutes I HAZ lashes. Oh the dress is so lovely.
Well Cajsa has sent me to get those Lelutka lashes as well, I just haven’t gotten around to it.
…Yes, but what if I don’t take bloggers seriously who DO wear prim lashes?
Ahhhh… so it was really Cajsa that I was hitting on, thinking it was you? Don’t tell Gidge what we did, it was pretty degrading.. but OHHHH so much fun. ; )
(And even *I* have properly fitted prim lashes, Fucker. )
I dont wear prim lash and i need ( i need!),
and i’m so disorganizated… so… anyone want roganize my Inv??? lol
Right before I snap a pic I like to take off my underpants.
i had the same prob with the no mod shape and the system lashes.
-delaney whippet
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