ECLIPSE Magazine Is Out

ECLIPSE Magazine Cover

The latest issue of ECLIPSE Magazine is out with a cover story on Siddean Munro of SLINK along with Sideman’s own explanation of her creative process from the idea to the release. It’s a don’t miss piece. For the first time, I understand what weight painting means.

Biblbe Oh

I also interviewed Bibbe Oh, the SL artist who is the first life Bibbe Hansen, also an artist. She brings her SL art to first live galleries and bridges those two worlds seamlessly. She also has a fascinating life story full of amazing characters and creatives.

Aradia Aridian wrote a great article on kid’s fashions, called Baby Got Swag. There are also several great fashion pieces full of photos.

Each month, we hear from the general public in Second Life in Voices from the Grid, interviewing residents on one topic. This month’s Voices From the Grid asks “How real is Second Life?”

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2 thoughts on “ECLIPSE Magazine Is Out

  1. STARVED Magic

    i just wanted to say, how much i enjoyed your article on ms. munro. I have been a SLINK fan and user since I entered second life in 2007. First buying her basic feet, than of course I continued with her shoes, hair etc.
    I was so excited when I actually got to talk to Siddean. I found her to be a gracious kind person, who is very approchable. I tend to have God complexes when I meet a designer that I love.

    Ty Siddean for your feet, and hands all of which i have all of them.

    Ty….Cajsa..I am a loyal reader of your Blog. I enjoyed reading the magazine articles….

  2. Cajsa Lilliehook Post author

    Thanks so much. I confess that sometimes talking to really creative people, I am also a bit overwhelmed by admiration for their abilities. Siddean, though, is very approachable and kind.

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