Clef de Peau

Cajsa had on a skin the other day that took my breath away, and with over 5 years at this blogging hobby, that’s not an easy task. It was pretty understandable, when I found out that it was created by none other than Marcopol Oh, the amazing photographer whose keen eye for beauty has astounded folks on FLICKR for some time.

The skin has so many options for customization it boggles the mind. Makeups, beauty marks, lashes, freckles, cleavage, plus the requisite SLINK huds (good job new skinner).

This is default lighting on my platform so you can see the skin in regular light.

I can’t wait to dig into this box and try more options.

Those of you who are always looking for a new look that isn’t “the same”, this one is for you.  Cajsa blogged everything and then some previously. As you can see, even between she and I this skin has a very different look.

Gidge Is Wearing:
Beauty Mark: [PXL] Beauty Mark POS5 Dark DX
Lashes: Clef de Peau::Julia::Lashes Enhancer (Bottom)
Eye Makeup: Clef de Peau::Julia::Cocktail Make up 1 w/Lashes
Blush: Clef de Peau::Julia::Blush Nude T3
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Giselle Mesh Hair – Rye
Studio: VR Studio
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: Clef de Peau::Julia::Vanilla Base Blonde
Eyes: Nomine Stained Eyes – blue light



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