Gidge’s Fast Five – February 25th

GidgeFast Five


It’s time for another issue of The Fast Five I hope you like what I’ve found today that thought I’d share.

1. Grey and Yellow: There is never any question about the quality of the images Villemo Inglewood produces, but I was very fond today of her use of grey and yellow and tying her very chic and high fashion look to something as normal as a paved road. 

2. Inspirational #4: I love this shot and the idea of creating an homage to an image or concept in a post.  It’s very dark and spooky and caught my eye while I drank my coffee this morning.

3. Love Missle F1-11: I might disqualify Whimsy cuz  she’s a friend but then, first of all I didn’t recognize her this morning when I was reading and second – look at the SASS! Good grief. Some people have a knack for capturing emotion and spirit in their otherwise lifeless avatar face, and Whimsy definitely did so here.

4. A Few Snaps At The End Of the World: Elle’s pics were perfect for me at the end of my day. Shot at World’s End Garden, she even includes the SLURL so you can go there and take pretty pictures too.

5. Horizonte:  The moodiness of this picture kind of captivating. I spent about ten minutes just looking at it, the details and the lighting. I want the scarf

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