Cajsa’s Fast Five: February 23rd

Fast FiveHere’s the five posts I think you should not miss today:

  1. Just What is the Beef with Advertising? – Ciaran Laval discusses Linden Labs new adoption of advertising on their web site. 
  2. Re-Opening Delicatessen – Meta Body II: Quan Lavender highlights the new iteration of the very successful Meta Body event by Capcat Ragu and Meilo Minotaur.
  3. Big City: Sasy Scarborough has a found a must-have jacket.
  4. A Night at the Cemetery: Wise Sandalwood is ghoulishly beautiful.
  5. Single Frame Stories: A Retrospective: Deoridhe Quandary asks what she can learn by  putting her images taken over time all together in a collection. She is reflecting on this quote: “[E]ven our most frivolous, clichéd or reflexive work reflects a deep and pervasive web of subconscious stories and associations.”
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