It’s nice when technology forces me to grow

CHANGE BAD! But sometimes necessary.

Then there came the patch in which shadows broke. I couldn’t enable them in Phoenix Firestorm without crashing SL so badly that I had to clean install every. Single. Time. Cajsa hopped in with a fix for that: upgrade my Mac’s OS to the latest, and it would work! So I upgraded. And Lo, it was possible to enable shadows again. Sadly they don’t actually photograph yet (or there’s a fix I haven’t found), for only about half the shadow photos, and the rest is lost.

And then my ancient Photoshop broke. I shoulda made sure CS2 worked in Mountain Lion before hand, but sadly I didn’t and it doesn’t. I have downloaded Gimp and will try my best to learn it. All whining aside, it’s nice to have an SL that works reasonably well again. And change definitely forces me to think. And thinking is ALWAYS good. Right?

Anyway. I am wearing things by people. List below.

Gimp is annoying

Tattoo: Katat0nik Eva Bunny Tattoo Sleeve
Hair: Lamb Sweet Jane – Milkshake
Hat: Nylon Outfitters Funky Pompom Cap – Red
Shirt: Nylon Outfitters openback lace tee – black
Skin: Mother Goose’s Bomi II 1L
Necklace: Bliensen + MaiTai Grimm’s Necklace
Shoes: Hate Me and Eat Me the Dune boots in red
Purse: MG – purse – Madame Midnight in black
Eyes: Poetic Colors Christmas Pearls
Stockings: Schadenfreude blush luisa stockings
Skirt: Tee*fy Aspen high-waited skirt in night

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