Tag Archives: The Chamber

In AVENUE this month

Absence is Physical
I was asked to write an article remembering Squinternet. It is illustrated with her own photos. In Absence Is Physical, I wrote about what her absence feels like in contrast with how very present she was while she lived.

The Object of a Proposition
The Object of a Proposition spotlights The Chamber – a social club in Second Life for those who want to spice their life up considerably. It’s a far cry from the sex clubs of noobery.

Oh the Places You'll Go

It is a little intimidating to profile Bryn Oh. She’s well-known and has been written about in the New York Times and Vogue of France and many other places. The challenge was to find something new to say. I hope I succeeded in Oh, the Places You’ll Go.

the Singularity of Imogen

In the Singularity of Imogen, I wrote about Bryn Oh’s current installation Imogen and the Pigeons and how it explores one of the vital questions of today’s society – the singularity and what it means for our world.