Tag Archives: Pixicat

Mornings Are Slow

I am behind on so much blogging work, but right now I’m lazy so I thought I would just sit around my house and do nothing.

Well, that’s something, anyway, right?

Gidge is Wearing:
Body: -Belleza- Freya
Skin: The Skinnery NORA – Collabor88
Clothes: -Pixicat- Tova.Belt (Freya) COLLABOR88
-Pixicat- Tova.Body (Freya)COLLABOR88
-Pixicat- Tova.Boyfriend Jeans (Freya)COLLABOR88
Head: .LeLutka.Chloe.HUD 2.6
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Hair: Exile:: Can’t Stop The Feeling
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento (new)
Planters: The Plastik Collabor88
Chair: Kalopsia COLLABOR88
Rug: Kalopsia COLLABOR88

Butterflies are Free To Fly

I woke up full of energy and right about then I realized I had new goodies from RC Cluster to provide some MUCH needed activity in my SLIFE! I’m out hunting butterflies in my beautifully landscaped islet this morning. Thanks for the greenery Cajsa!  Continue reading

Resistance Is Fertile

The history of liberty is a history of resistance.

This sign, a riff on the Borg’s mantra,made me laugh. I always just point out the Borg dies in the end. But I laugh because where I grew up, we competed against Fertile in sports and other competitions. More amusingly, Fertile happens to be just about 25 miles from Climax, another town we competed against. When you’re in high school, such things are hilarious and even to this day, pranksters add distance to Fertile signs to the “You are Entering Climax” sign and vice versa. By the way, whoever ordered “You are entering Climax” is my hero. That sign is gone now, replaced by the much less amusing “Climax Pop. 300” sign. Not that we weren’t without our own embarrassing names. A few miles out of town, there used to be a glorious road sign, “Bullshit Valley, Next Left” That was the name of the valley. That was the sign. When I was home this summer, I saw it has been “cleaned up” and now reads, BS Valley. I was disappointed. I did not live in Bullshit Valley, alas, and my dad only took that left hand turn every few years just because it was a pretty route, though it was gravel not tar. The road to Bullshit Valley is paved now. I am sure there’s a metaphor there somewhere.
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Such a Nasty Woman

Such a Nasty Woman

It is Election Day at long last. Elections in America are far too long and of course, the campaigns in the commentariat are even longer. After all, there’s already speculation and talk about 2020 before 2016 is decided, because the media would rather talk horse races than policy.

This is the first truly existential election since 1860. People who complain that the election is not about issues this year are wrong. It’s just that the issues on the ballot are not the issues we are used to voting on—whether we are a free country or an authoritarian one, whether the United States controls it foreign policy or follows the dictates of a former KGB agent, and whether we want to continue as a democratic republic or are ready to just give it all up and hand it over to a despot. Thwse are the issues of this election and they could not be more important.

I am wearing suffragette white even though I voted two weeks ago. I am excited to be electing the first woman president. I wish the election were about her policies in competition with his, but it is not. This is not an election about marginal tax rates, health care policy and higher education funding. It is not about traditional issues. It is about our humanity.

Such a Nasty Woman

I am wearing a delightful white leather jacket from Pixicat for Collabor88 over a fun sports bra and pants from Azuchi. The Pixicat Night Jacket has a hud to allow color changes. It can be bi-color as well. I love the details on the pants. On a side note, I have been reading The Best Nature and Science Writing of 2016 and it included a great article from Racked on the science and engineering in developing sports bras. You should check it out, “Why Are Sports Bras So Terrible?” Fortunately in Second Life® if the sports bra fails to provide enough support we can just adjust the physics layer. If only it were so in real life.

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A Comfy-Cozy Coat

Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. Rachel Zoe

I am loving this big puffy coat from Baiastice for this month’s Collabor88. A puffy faux fur dyed a brilliant blue, it also comes in several other colors. There are thigh high boots that coordinate as well, but I went in a different direction.
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Life Is Uncertain, Eat Dessert First

Life is uncertain, eat dessert first.

The veggie tray, apple pie, salt and pepper shakers and waffle iron can all be found at The Arcade.

The uncertainties of life are manifest every day. Some uncertainties are harder than others. My sister has Stage IV lung cancer. But her future is still uncertain, it’s quite possible the chemo will kill her long before the cancer can. She’s been in the hospital for two weeks now as a mold has developed in her lungs, thanks to chemo bringing her white blood cell count down to zero. On Thursday, I learned she has developed VRE, a anti-biotic resistant bacteria similar but much more rare than MRSA, the OMG of countless House episodes. Of course, because when you are going to ER three times a day for 90 minute infusions of antibiotics, you develop anti-biotic resistant bacteria. I think it is time for her to eat a lot of dessert. Ice cream, apple pie, chocolate cake, brownies and coffee nips. Go for it!
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Give me flowers, lots of flowers


Pixicat’s Ambrosia dress for Collabor88 is a dream for flower lovers and isn’t that everyone? The HUD lets you change the color of the flowers and the dress. I went for white with black flowers, loving the drama, but I could have chosen pastels, bold red and blue or even white. Each choice gives the dress a different emotional tenor. Then I can change the color of the dress, too. So much choice.

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Buckle Up for Hair Fair

Buckled Up for Hair Fair

I decided it is time to buckle up for Hair Fair and how better to do that than with the fabulously buckled dress from Zenith at Collabor88 this month. I added the incredible Bastet arm bands from Pixicat that were released at Arcade about 6 months ago and a pair of sunglasses from this month’s Baiastice releases for Collabor88.
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Spring Forward..Because That’s Not Trite Enough

I am excited to have shed the gloom of winter on our island, spring is upon us full force. It’s time to revel in the warmth of the sea around us and enjoy this wonderful SL. Collabor88 this month is all about spring goodness, I’ve set up the gorgeous table and chairs from the Loft and Aria on my deck of the kitchen tree house.

I’m not even sure how much happier I could be this morning. It’s peaceful and beautiful here. I keep thinking I will move out of these tree houses but I’m not sure I can. I love them too much. Continue reading

#FlatLarry and Me

#FlatLarry @ The Drunk Tank
I am behind the times this week. I was catching up on last week’s The Nightly Show tonight and cracked up at this member of the audience who made off with a giant flat Larry, taking it home nonchalantly on the subway. He asked the thief to take #FlatLarry around and share on Twitter. Well, I didn’t steal the original #FlatLarry, but I found one on the web and set him out in front of The Drunk Tank, one of the amazing builds in DRD’s Steel Town – and entire city in a gacha.
#FlatLarry @ The Drunk Tank
If I had known I was going to be hanging out with #FlatLarry, I might have dressed a bit more professionally, but somehow I think he might just like this Karma dress from PixiCat. With the texture hud, it can also switch to a smooth, shiny leather.
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