Tag Archives: My Ugly Dorothy

The String Mausoleum Has Your Hair Fair OUT THERE

Helena Stringer doesn’t like normal. In fact, I’d say she’s one of those people who believe normal isn’t healthy which I heartily agree with. I like it different, despite the fact that I normally rock a blonde haired blue eyed blogger girl, that’s a lazy comfort zone for me.

Hair Fair is where I often find myself taking a step outside of that comfort zone , and The String Mausoleum is very often where I find that reality come to life.

I’m not bringing you the gauntlet of the Hair Fair AWESOME from Helena but my three faves because I like things in threes. Continue reading

Acid Lily – A New To Me Event With Lots of Variety

The Acid Lily event returning was a bit like “Hmmmm, have I heard of this event? I THINK I have…. What is it?” Let’s face it, there are so many events, sometimes it’s tough to separate the wheat from the chaff. But I don’t like chaff, so let’s talk about an event that definitely goes in the wheat bin. Continue reading