Tag Archives: KC

What Did I Forget ?

I’m the queen of bad intersections, hair stuck through arms, floating necklaces and various other faux pas. I’m a veteran enough blogger to snicker when someone else does it yet find the ego to go oh eff it I don’t care when I do.

This is pretty much true 100% of the time. I will decide that it’s a  more accurate representation of your SL experience as intersections and weird stuff DOES happy when you aren’t stuck in a pose for a shoot. So, that’s a Gidge truth.

However, I had this great night last night reconnecting with an old friend and then Amatorum was having a party so I slapped on something new QUICKLY and ran over there, with a nagging feeling the entire time that I was MISSING something. What am I missing? Continue reading

Damn Dog

Yes I’m cold but the dog ran outside and took tree lights with it – and darnit I had to round him up. He’s cute – I picked him up at the Kittycats Advent Calendar which of course is still up – you can hop over there and grab any of the items you missed as well as todays! Continue reading

It’s Uber Gorgeous

Uber has kicked off again with a sumptuous round of elegance and classic beauty. I really like this round, there’s so much exotic pretty available, it’s hard to pick what to like most. Wasabi Pills has a gorgeous hair that has an optional headpiece that is stunning, I need to find a way to incorporate this into my everyday, doncha think? Continue reading