Tag Archives: ibanez eyes

The Jellyfish Gallery

I have a confession. This shoot started with the jewelry. Anytime there is new jewelry at Donna Flora I’m pretty much in love and stoned on girly goodness to such a point that it’s difficult for me to actually MAKE blogging decisions. But I struggled through my joy and decided it was a purple and yellow moment for me today.
But then, where to shoot?
I was really, really in love with what I had on and decided to pull out Cajsa’s big list of In World Photo Sites and well, I just picked some place RANDOM.
Turned out, I was someplace wonderful. Continue reading

More Fall From Chantkare-Mens AND Womens!

posted by Gidge Uriza

I am sitting on nothing. If I only had some lensflare this photo would be a cornucopia of things for the Fashion Mafia to chew on.

Alas, I am lensflareless.  Thus, you must content yourselves with pondering what it is I am sitting on in mid-air. Obviously pixel-people must sit on something or there will be a disruption in the space-time continuum.

I’m sorry I’m ranty. I don’t feel well.

But I like these new clothes from Chantkare. Continue reading