Tag Archives: asteroid box

I’m Actually Quite Busy

There might be a little confusion regarding my level of leisure around these parts because of the recent article in The Atlantic where I was mentioned. It was a lot of fun to be a part of the project and I really did enjoy it. But I do think the author didn’t really understand that a blogger WORKS around these parts.

In fact, let’s face it – it’s my job here on the grid. I’m a writer and a sharer of fashion and other things to enhance your digital life. Sometimes I tell stories, sometimes I blather on about things I like. That’s who I am and what I do.

To start with there’s a lot of shopping involved. No one is invited to cover ALL the events (although that’d be nice yo) so no matter how many how many events you’re an official blogger for you’re still going to go place to place doing a bit of shopping. Usually in stilettos. Continue reading