It’s So Cozy Inside My Sn@tch

There are few things that delight and entertain me as much as my weekly notices from Sn@tch. Double entendre nonstop for all these years must be tiring yet Ivey manages to make it happen with success each week. This week I was feeling a bit daffy and headed over to pick up this delicious sweater she just put out with her new releases. I had to go out and buy cat food, and figured well I’m OUT anyway might as well pop by. I was glad I did. I picked up the pastels pack but she also has a pack in darker jewel tones. Remember Sn@tch does it differently, you buy one size and get the whole lot of colors in that size, so be sure to demo to make sure you get your size right. I wear larger sizes at Sn@tch, which is neither good nor bad, just something to keep in mind. I ALWAYS demo and then I’m always a happy girl ! 

The Wicked Peach has released nail polish appliers for the BELLEZA body so woot woot for that. She will include them in all packs going forward but you can pick up any you want for Belleza body for 50L which is awesome.

It’s a cold morning, so I’m glad to comfy and cozy ! Hope your day is lovely !

Gidge Is Wearing:
Eyelashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Blush: -Belleza- Claudia Pale Blush
Body: -Belleza- Venus V 0.02
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Katie Mesh Hair – Rye
Sweater: :::Sn@tch November Sweater (Lavender-Large):::
Manicure: {Wicked} Peach – Belleza Mani/Pedi – Moonlight Glossy
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: -Belleza- Claudia Pale 3 Bl
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris (S)

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