Cajsa Fast Five: May 9th

Fast Five There’s a solar eclipse happening right now, you can watch it here. And coming out of the eclipse of depression, Allie of Hyperbole and a Half has a new post – the first in many months. While I do not suffer from depression, my late brother-in-law did. Her story explains it so well, something those of us on the outside need to understand. It is easy to offer platitudes and advice, but however well-meaning, they are hard to take. If you read nothing else, take some time for that post (As always, she writes with humor.) to get some insight on something I hope  you never experience.

  1. Circumspect. Lizzie Gudlov is participating in the Writers’ Dash and produced this short story. It made me think of Leo Buscaglia
  2. Third Party Exchanges Fallout In Progress: Ciaran Laval has a round up of announcement from third party exchanges, links to posts and commentary.
  3. Considering Our Stories in Second Life: Two days in a row for Honour McMillan. But she is being too darn interesting. She talks about the life she is writing and suggests we think of what stories we are writing with our lives.
  4. LookBook 9-5-2013 b:  There seems to be theme. Leah McCullough has a great outfit that is styled with wit and humor. Fab photos and a cute little mini-video. And then there is the quote that makes it fit in today’s purely coincidental theme.
  5. Snapshot 41504: Which brings me to this photo from Larcoco Mathy which just happens to be gorgeous and fit this serendipitous theme.
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