Cajsa Fast Five: April 5th

Fast Five Today we have a new episode of The Drax Files, a magazine feature of The Velvet where I work as a DJ and some cute styles that are colorful and cheery. There’s also news about the new CHUI in  Second Life®. Am I silly for reading CHUI and thinking Star Wars?

  1. The Velvet: Where Music Matters: Compe Lockwood and Sabbian Paine give a lovely introduction to The Velvet for BOSL Magazine. It’s the best club on the grid, and of course, I am not the least biased by DJ’ing there two days a week. Not at all. The article is on page 190. 
  2. The Drax Files: Eshi Otawara:  Drax Files interviews Eshi Otawara who talks about creating in Second Life. “It’s not a non-existing universe. It’s there, it exists. If you just release yourself of that prejudice towards what’s virtual, that it’s not real; it will make you happy.”
  3. CatWA + Al Vulo + SeVered Garden:  I love when people go all out for a look and Berta Avro Boobie Bellisima well full on hippie chick for this look. From the hair to the clothes, it is a Seventies tour de force.
  4. ★116: Shin styles a magnificently chick outfit for day by matching prints that should not work but do. I love when that happens.
  5. New Second Life Viewer Communications Hub User Interface (CHUI): Daniel Voyager gives a rundown of the new CHUI interface that among other things will allow you to add people to conversations that are already in progress. That’s a feature worth learning a new interface for.
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