Guest Stylist: Poly Pistachio – BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE

I am so excited that I’ve shot my first Guest Stylist for December and it’s Poly Pistachio (nee Polynesia Resident) who is a lovely person I’ve met on Plurk.  I was in the mood to shoot someone besides me and I was busy being a cloud most of the night anyway (THANKS LINDEN LAB YOUR PRODUCTS ROCK) so I said, POLY! WATCHOO WEARING?

I was able to perform a  very VERY important service to our community also. Poly was trying on shapes Both of which were riding invisible horses. I was able to say “OH MY GOD NO THOSE ARE HORRIBLE NEVER NEVER NEVER BUY THOSE” or something LIKE that.

I might’ve been a bit more eloquent because I don’t want Poly to know yet that I’m a nutter.

Regardless, I’d like to thank Poly for following me over hither and yon as I found the place I wanted to shoot her pictures at. That place turned out to be my front yard. SMH.

Poly is also the owner of a very cute little shop, and has her items on marketplace. If you like fun tattoos she’s your girl. I love them and bought several the other day.

Here is her marketplace link.

Poly’s Fashion Details Are:
Skin: Avulo – May Winter Faire
Hair: Boon – Fabulous
Shirt: Lethal – Hello Kitty Over the Shoulder Top
Pants: Imbue – Skinny Jeans

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