This Dress Is Made of Glitter

What to wear when you want to be all dressed up but a formal ball gown is just a bit over-the-top?  I think you can’t go wrong with this dress from Chambre to Chocolat. Eshi Otawara is justly famous for her amazing fishhook dress and the incredible art/fashion installation the Death of a Phoenix, but if you think only of those works, you might skip her store thinking she’s out of your budget range and maybe a bit too avant garde. But that would make you miss so much as she has a fabulous talent for creating ethereal and wearable fashion.

Take this dress, aptly named This Dress Is Made of Glitter, which comes in five glorious colors (blue, gold, hot pink, violet and yellow) and is a favorite in-between dress. The kind you pull out in-between casual and formal, for when you are going to a party and aren’t sure whether it’s formal or not. You don’t want to show up in a floor-length ball gown, but you don’t want to look underdressed. You need and in-between dress and this is it. You can see more pictures of it on my flickr.

I wore the indispensable Elphaba shoes from Digit Darkes. Honestly, I think that if I kept track of the cost and the frequency of wearing, these are the best bargain I have ever found in shoes. I pull them out more often than any other shoes. I was lucky enough that Gidge introduced me to Digit Darkes as a newbie and also lucky enough that these were the first non-freebie shoes I ever purchased. And after all this time, I have not tired of them because they always seem just right. 

I struggled a bit trying to select jewelry to wear with this, but finally chose Zaara’s Kaya in Onyx because I liked how the large round stones echoed the size and shape of the glitter in the bodice. I liked the Lyrica hair style from Diversity Hair, dressy but not formal, and it’s purely a happy coincidence that it’s from Digit Darkes’ sister, Aleri.

  • Shape: Melli2 by hatchy mills
  • Skin: Amy 05 Portrait Skin by Laqroki
  • Eyes: Soulful Hazel by IC-Eyes
  • Hair: Lyrica Bordeaux by Diversity Hair
  • Dress: I Am Made of Glitter/Gold by Chambre du Chocolat
  • Shoes: Elphaba from Digit Darkes
  • Jewelry: Kaya Onyx from Zaara


4 thoughts on “This Dress Is Made of Glitter

  1. Aleri Darkes

    Oooh purty 🙂 I also have an addiction to the Elphaba shoes! I like the plain black ones as well 🙂 but the Elphaba ones have that extra something.

  2. Cajsa Lilliehook Post author

    Thanks, Aleria, for the compliment and the lovely hair that topped off this outfit so well. Yes, I love the black ones, too, but ooh, there’s something special about these. I think I must wear them at least once a week, at the very least.

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